If you’re like a third of all C. diff. sufferers, then you know how discouraging it is to battle against ineffective treatments and recurring infections. It’s easy to lose hope when antibiotics fail, your infection keeps coming back and your doctor doesn’t know what else to try. Fortunately, there are new ways to treat C. diff. that most doctors are unaware of.
We look to our doctors to help us. And we expect modern medicine to have all the answers when we get sick. But C. difficile and other so-called “superbugs” are a growing challenge that mainstream medicine is often unable to solve. New antibiotics and cutting edge treatments sometimes help, but all too often the results are short-lived. Natural methods like probiotics can make a big difference, but many doctor are still in the dark about probiotics and other alternatives.
A Better Way to Handle C. difficile
Treatments and remedies by themselves often are not enough to stop a stubborn bout of C. difficile. This is why mainstream medicine so often fails in the long run. People have achieved the best results by attacking their infection on multiple fronts. That means combining remedies and treatments along with diet changes, immune support and preventative measures at the same time. Knowing which methods to use and how to combine them safely and effectively into an overall strategy can be a daunting project for most people.
Author Michelle Moore had to take on such a project when she struggled with her own recurring infections for over 4 years. After a lot of research and trial and error she was able to combine her knowledge of natural medicine with her background as a microbiologist to formulate a better way to handle chronic bacterial infections. Her recent research into new C. diff. treatment strategies has led her to write her latest book C. Diff. Treatments & Remedies Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You.
Inside Michelle’s Printed Book
- Michelle Moore’s 3-Step Action Plan, a step-by-step guide for overcoming C. diff.
- Powerful remedies for C. diff., including detailed protocols for use.
- Important diet changes that slow C difficile and speed recovery.
- How to clean, disinfect and keep C. difficile bacteria out of your home.
- How to break the cycle of recurring infections.
- How to demand and get the personalized healthcare you deserve.
- Make antibiotics more effective and reduce their side effects.
- Protect family and friends from getting infected.
- How to care for someone with a C. diff. infection.
- 347 page easy-to-read printed book. Shipped to your home.
- Includes no-risk, 120-day money back guarantee.

Inside the E-Book
Contains all the same content as the printed book. Electronic book (e-book) is in PDF digital format. Get instant access to read on your PC, smartphone or mobile device.
Inside the Full Program
Get ALL of Michelle’s C. difficile resources. The Full Program includes BOTH the printed and e-book versions of C. difficile Treatments & Remedies, PLUS two exclusive bonus e-books:

Printed book PLUS e-Book
Start reading the e-book immediately on your PC or mobile device while your printed book is being shipped to your home. Includes FREE U.S. shipping.

Top 20 Questions About C. Diff. e-Book
Answers to real questions from real people with C. difficile. Michelle addresses in detail the most common questions asked by people of all ages with all kinds of C. difficile challenges, including caregiver and prevention questions. Electronic e-book (PDF format).

Symptom Tracker Log for C. Diff. e-Book
Identify problem foods & gauge remedy effectiveness. The Symptom Tracker Log lets you record your foods, medications and supplements to reveal links between your symptoms and the things you eat, take or do. Electronic e-book (PDF format).

Bonus: Customer-Only Area
Get Michelle’s book, e-book or full program and receive free immediate access to Michelle’s online Customer Only Area, containing the following tools to speed and support your recovery:
- Michelle will personally guide you through her 3 Step Method and healing protocols through her email e-course.
- Michelle’s recommended natural remedies and products.
- Audio interviews with health professionals about chronic infections, natural remedies, C. diff. related topics.
- Network of holistic healthcare professionals with infection experience.
- Fast-start guides for using Michelle’s recommended remedies and immune enhancing products.
After 4 years of struggling with recurring infections, Michelle uncovered 3 key steps that everybody with a chronic infection needs to take to recover and prevent recurring outbreaks. Recently Michelle has partnered with a leading herbalist to fine tune her 3 steps for stubborn C. difficile infections. Michelle has been 100% drug-free and infection-free since 2004 and now she is making her healing steps and methods available to help others who suffer from debilitating infections. *
Michelle’s 3 Steps to Overcome C. diff.

Michelle’s C. diff. Treatments & Remedies book provides detailed instructions and alternative treatment plans to heal from C. diff. infections. The focus of Michelle’s 3 Steps is on using safe, effective and scientifically-proven remedies in addition to mainstream treatments like antibiotic drugs. For people who’s antibiotics have stopped working and who’s doctors have run out of ideas, Michelle’s 3 Steps could make the difference between life and death.
Here’s a quick look at Michelle’s three healing steps:
Kill Infecting Bacteria and Their Byproducts in the Colon
The first step begins with powerful alternative remedies that can kill C. diff. bacteria without taxing the G.I. tract any more. The strongest remedies that are gentle on the digestive system are detailed, plus special protocols for removing C. diff. toxins and rebuilding intestinal health.
Repair Damage that Antibiotics and Infections Cause in Your Body
Step 2 includes methods to reduce several common antibiotic side effects and repair the damage these drugs do to your gut, friendly gut bacteria and your immune system. Key vitamins and minerals and foods that speed recovery are presented, along with diet changes that help expel infection.
Home C. diff. Prevention
The final step includes tools and protocols for killing C. diff. spores living in the home, something most disinfectants are unable to do. Key methods to control C. diff. in the laundry and on household surfaces are detailed. Important prevention tips and protocols for family members and caregivers are also covered, along with details about how to safely and effectively care for someone who has C. diff.
Feedback from Customers
After the third day my symptoms were gone
“I want to let you know that I am doing very well. After the third day my symptoms were gone. After the first two weeks, my diet started going back to normal. I could eat more and my digestion was starting to feel back to normal.
I have now gained all of the weight that I lost back and am feeling so much better. Your methods did what doctors and hospitals were not able to do.
Thank you so much!” *
Margaret N., USA
I never ever expected all this information in one book
“I have learned so much about c-diff and possible treatments. I never ever expected all this information in one book…..it really is the answer to many prayers.
I have started the protocol, but I am going slowly. I am so grateful for Michelle, her book and all the work she and her team have done.” *
Judy, Selma IN, USA
After 5 days all my symptoms stopped
“I just wanted to let you know that after starting the treatment that you outlined, after 5 days all my symptoms stopped and I’ve had no problem at all since then. That was July 30, 2014. I had several months prior to that with bowel incontinence which had become so bad I could almost leave my house for fear of having sudden unexpected diarrhea. It was a nightmare!
I am so happy that I found your book!! I realized once I got back to normal that this had been going on for a few years, not just months. It just got progressively worse until I became almost unable to function normally.” *
Geraldine, Albuquerque NM, USA
This book has been a lifesaver for me.
“I really was worried since doctors didn’t seem to be able to help me. I took so many antibiotics and I continued to get reoccurring infections. I started researching on the Internet and came across this book. No more tears and frustration. I feel more confident in conquering this than ever before. My immune system is strengthening and I feel good. The remedies and diet changes and many other things have changed my life and I owe it to this book.
This book has been a lifesaver for me. Thank you so much.” *
Jamie, Chico TX, USA
I am enjoying great health…
“I cannot say enough good about your book and what it has done for us. As a result of all the information in your book we were able to immediately implement some changes…
I am enjoying great health, which was not the case 6 months ago, and not something I wish to experience ever again! Needless to say I am extremely grateful and indebted to your book and all the support that it has given me!” *
Mark, Ellenbrook AUS
Get Your Life Back Today
You can be assured that when you follow Michelle’s 3 Step Action Plan, you are in good hands. Her natural healing methods have been praised by respected Naturopathic and Medical doctors and other medical professionals across the U.S. Implement Michelle’s three steps today and join the over 30,000 people who have benefited from Michelle’s infection relief books and other resources.
Michelle’s new book is available below in both printed and electronic download format. Michelle’s support emails and exclusive customer-only resources will arrive via email.

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*Testimonial Disclaimer: Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As all health issues have inherent risk, our information and testimonials are not intended to infer or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Click here for our full testimonial and results disclaimer.